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IntroductionFive assets of
1. Are you a Healthlancer? If yes! How can you be benefited?
2. How can a clinician increase their return on investment?
3. How can a general practitioner be benefited?
4. Are you interested to be part of Covid services?
5. Are you a job hunter?
Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance
There are number of healthtech startups in India among which Practo, Lybrate & others offer an online platform that benefits both patients and doctors by providing digital visibility.
Do we have any online platform which benefits doctors to find other doctor?
If I say, yes! Wouldn't that be such a cool digital platform which is a simple fix for all doctors and dentists? You will definitely google it to know more about that as I did when I came to know for the first time - Hurray!
Well! I'm here to brief you about the hottest online platform
What exactly I mean by simple abundance?
As we all know simple abundance is restoring passion and finding comfort. Such that, is a fresh start, a new chapter waiting to be read, understood & implied. It’s a beginning which is ultimately an invitation to open towards the gift & growth that are stored up for all the healthcare professionals.
All of us lead busy lives, some more frantic & frazzled than others. We need to learn where to draw the line from busy schedules & find work when we want it. One of the ways in which we can start to experience more affluence in our daily lives is through pampering ourselves with affordable luxuries, isn’t it? Let me tell you that is one such luxury which transforms a simple pleasure into complete contentment and can enhance practice as well as make lives simpler, easier & better.
Discover, flaunt & celebrate your assets
Simplicity is the common thread of that stitches doctors & dentists.
Five assets of
1. Healthlancer/Consultant booking,
2. Clinic booking,
3. General hiring,
4. Covid staff hiring,
5. Job board.
These touchstones can help as well as attempt to remake our personal world.
Reach out & touch more lives.
Healthlancers are specialist who earns through case completion at different practices instead of fulltime job at one practice. They work on flexible work hours and their work is task/case-based. Now through, they’re able to simply create an online profile and Clinicians looking for consultants can find them. It’s the process not just confined to clinician booking a Healthlancer whereas it also includes Healthlancer booking a clinic by utilizing Clinic booking service at
To know more visit healthlancer booking blog
How to book a Healthlancer/consultant?
Guide to Book Healthlancer
Sharing is having more
A hospital or clinic owner can always increase the number of patients by lending their clinic to other fellow doctors known as clinic sharing. It's similar to booking a Healthlancer but reverse with gift ie a Healthlancer books a clinic & gets patient.Patients use “word of mouth” to spread about all the co-workers working in that particular clinic or hospital. This will bring advantages to both the giver and taker of the space. To know more visit clinic booking blog
How to book a Clinic for Cosharing?
Guide to Book Clinic
At, under general hiring we have conventional healthcare recruitment service including the new short term hiring "locum". Say if a clinician needs a general practitioner for a non-permanent job in days or months as temporary replacement, they can be booked through
How to book a general practitioner?
We can still make something beautiful and something powerful out of a really bad situation. brings the idea of efficient manpower distribution, based on real time, location based, covid ready specialist availability into practicality to bridge the unseen gap between people ready to serve and the centers who need more professionals to help the patients and the doctors. If you are looking for an opportunity to serve the nation as healthcare hero or if you are looking for Healthcare covid warriors, we invite you to join us at & be a part of solution against corona.
To read hearttouching stories from covid heroes visit blog: mumma aaj aap corona komaarkar he aana
How to hire a covid staff or make yourself availastrongle for covid services?
At, we have job aggregation service that shows healthcare jobs collected together from various platforms which are displayed on job board. This can be benefited to all the Healthlancers& general practitioners who are seeking for job.
Here is a link to practical demo of simple steps
Are you a Healthlancer/Clinician/General practitioner/ Academicians/Working mother?
Whatever your position is, there is something for every healthcare professional. wants us to grow & we become stronger together.
For a Healthlancer/consultant, unlike any other platform, provides visibility to & of Healthlancers & also provides you with visibility of the available clinics.
For a Clinician, it can be benefited by hiring a Healthlancer/consultant in just 2 clicks with a simpler& easier way with wider choices, by making your clinic available for co sharing & have better ROI & increased revenue and also find options to hire a general practitioner.
For a general practitioner, provides visibility to clinicians & hospitals thus helping you find right jobs.
The process of registration at is extremely simple. One has to just register them and opt for services according to their needs.
Dr. Harsha Susheela Suresh k
Team KuchToh
Consultant Pediatric dentist
Nilambur, Kerala.